What does it mean to love The Now, no matter how it looks?
Can we choose Bliss over bitterness because both always exist simultaneously?
We spend too much time believing the parts of the world that anger us and prevent us from being happy.
The world will always give us reasons to be disappointed, but only we can decide how much disgust we will allow to consume us. And that it will until we choose to consume more moments of bliss.
We always have a choice.
What if this is it? What if no more change can take place? Can you find ways to make friends with the now? Can you grow closer to the present by making vulnerability your closest, most trusted friend? If yes, then do it now because now is everything. Now is the only thing that can bring change, so this can’t be it because we are here now with the opportunity to plant new seeds…
The now is the seed you plant for the future. If you want to manifest Bliss or abundance, then have that now in whatever capacity you can, even in the smallest form. The tiniest seed holds the power to harvest fruitful crops. The seed is the beginning, and so is now. The seed is the most powerful point of the physical world, as an entire existence begins in the seed. Remember… the faith of a mustard seed?
Our thoughts, beliefs, and how we speak of others, especially those we disagree with, will be the seeds we plant for ourselves. This is why “do unto others as you’d have done to you” is so important. Despite the societal programs we inherit and absorb, we are not separate from our neighbors. Pay attention to your words, as words are the most powerful because first, there was the word…and the word was God.