Independence Day and Decolonization
Decolonization is the process of dismantling internal oppression systems we have been programmed to believe while remembering our divine nature and our soul.
We live within a matrix that recycles trauma until it is healed…
It requires you to think beyond your limited perceptions of what you have been told to believe.
For BIPOC people it is a reconnecting to our ancestors and the wisdom of the earth. It’s the realization that assimilation and acceptance in a system meant to destroy us mean we continue to internally oppress ourselves. For many of us, the colonized world is all we know, yet it feels forever foreign to us… cuz intuitively we know the intergenerational traumas of colonialism were meant to kill us, yet here we are…. We need to stop asking for equality from those committed to abusing us and instead heal and support our communities for a new wave of liberated existence.
For nonBIPOC allies, it’s a continuation of doing your healing work within yourselves and your communities. It will take recognizing your ego attachments and fear of “losing control” or an identity you never authentically had, and opening your hearts and minds to an existence not centered around you. This is deep shadow work and as you realize your energy has also been colonized and abused by your own people in power, you experience deep sorrow… and this is the very reason these systems of oppression have continued to manipulate you because they’d rather have to overly focused on heaven after death, instead of being stewards of compassion to create heaven on earth now. They have scared out of connecting to your heart and using your voice to speak up by convincing you if you do, you will be destroyed. Yet, to be a steward of compassion means facing these uncomfortable truths.
We can no longer deny what needs to be done… humanity is at risk of destroying itself.
Together, through shadow work and authentic self-love, we can cultivate the divine power to heal ourselves and heal our communities. This is how we embody the God within all of us.
Today, I celebrate my independence from the colonial mindset matrix. I connect to my ancestors, earth, and Source with deep faith. I liberate myself from my anger of wrongs when I acknowledge it, speak on it, and then use it as a divine portal for change. I empower myself when I commit to loving myself within a system that hates me.
Source/God/Universe is my foundation of self-love. Oppression is built on hate. Love ALWAYS wins.